Heya, it's Reaper. And he's got stories. And pictures. And dedications. And a Christmas List. And winnable prizes ... alright, more of the stuff than the prizes, but you get what I'm aiming at, right? First off, if I were Santa? That's what I'd look like.
Moving on. First off. Stories, stories ... um ... how about I skip to the dedications? Those are always ... fun, right? First, to the one and only person I could only imagine about, now, since she moved far, far away from the continent I'm on.

Aranya - Hmm ... how to dedicate THIS one ... um ... there were rough times, fun times, and all around ... fun times. ^.^;; I haven't been in contact with you as much as I've been wanting, too, but maybe that'll be one of my New Year's Resolutions, right? Wait ... what am I saying? Of course it will! I had to include you first in the dedications. Y'know why? I promised. And I kept my promise. 'Shocking that I'm not being sarcastic, isn't it? =P;; 'Love you bunches.

Alright, so the dedications are pretty well done ... now what was next? Christmas list ... or more pictures? Christmas list ... or more pictures? Hmm ... maybe I'll put up my Christmas list ... and then some pictures, and wrap it up with a review for a few more Christmas reviews I made. How's that? Good? Good.
- Arcanum (PC)
- Fallout (PC)
- Fallout 2 (PC)
- PS2 [used or new]
- God of War (PS2)
- GTA: San Andreas (XBOX)
- MGS3: Snake Eater (PS2)
- XBOX 360 + some cool games, preferrably -shrugs-
- Doom 3 (PC)
- F.E.A.R. (PC)
- House: Season 1 (DVD)
- Samurai Champloo: Volume 2 (DVD)
- .hack//SIGN Volume 1 (DVD)
- Soul Caliber II (XBOX)
- Dead or Alive 3 (XBOX)
- Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (N64)
- Maxtor DiamondMax 120 GB Harddrive
- SNES / NES Console
- GBA SP - Classic NES Faceplate
- Nintendo DS - Electric Blue Faceplate
- Katamari Damacy (PS2)
- We Love Katamari (PS2)
- Indigo Prophecy (PC)
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (XBOX)
- AverMedia EZMaker DVD / PCI TV Video-Capture Card
- Grim Fandango (PC)

<----- my monitor. Background's from a Longhorn pack I wasn't particularly liking.

<-- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie & Samurai Champloo - Vol. 1 Box Art. My approval. My Windows Media Player playlist? 50 Cent - A Lil' Bit, Eminem - Never Enough, & 50 Cent - Candy Shop. Sue me.

<-- And another one of my beautiful monitor, box art, and Windows Media Player. ^.^;

<-- ... and my coveted Christmas tree. Well, that's pretty much all, everybody. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!! ^.^; -walks out- --"Merry Reaper"