-- (Mature) -- Unused Doom 3 Models?
I was looking around the other day and came across a bunch of concept art and 3-D sketches for some demons and humans that were going to be used in Doom 3 but were left out, and we either (A) scrapped for Quake 4 (like the medic), (B) added into Doom 3 - Resurrection of Evil (like the floating sea beastie), and, (C) were left out altogether (like the demon with a metal plate over his eyes. Well, have fun viewing them: there's one here and here and here and here, and finally here.

-- (Teen) -- My Apology To Blizzard ...
I will admit, I have done some pretty bad things in my past. I have hacked / cheated before, but only in singleplayer games ... well, except for Diablo 2 ... and, um ... it was made by Blizzard ... but, uh ... uhm ... that doesn't look good on my record, does it? ^.^;; Anyways, Blizzard, I'm sorry that I got a speedhack, boosted my speed to an epic mount, and although I only did it for a few minutes before deciding that it was too wrong to continue with, I [believe] have received a 72-hour suspension, which is the most serious ... well, aside from having your account banned, I suppose. Anyways, I'm sorry guys, and I promise to ya I won't do anything like this again. Peace out.

-- (Mature) -- Preview for Black for the PS2 and XBOX ...
Black is the new FPS coming out for a current-gen console with next-gen graphics. Realistic physics (although HL2 established that pretty well), it has REALLY good physics. Finally, if I shoot a pillar with a shotgun, guess what happens? You guessed it: the stone chips off. Finally, sweet lord: some physics. Get the entire preview from Gamespot. Check the trailer while you're at it ... but, seriously, guys-who're-making Black, two questions. One, why didn't you wait for the, I dunno, XBOX 360 and PS3 to make it a launch title?!? And, two, ... why are you hatin' on the PC?!? 0.0;

-- (Teen) -- The Ultima Online Killing Of Lord British
Interestingly enough, the impossibly happened one day in Ultima Online: the creator of the game's alter-ego ingame died to the hands of a player-character evil villain. He was set to make a speech that day as the servers temporarily shut down. As they came back up a few hours later, the "bad man", Rainz (as he name was), came into town, and, being a thief, had the ability to pickpocket other PC's (player characters). He pickpocketed one, earning himself a fire scroll. He cast the scroll on the bridge that British was supposed to ride in across with his bodyguards. When he arrived, Rainz set it off. Fireballs rained (haha, rained) down from above, but as Rainz sneaked to British for the kill, he realized he was dead. The bodyguards, noticing this also, panicked, sending waves of spells down, killing the crowd. As they mayhem disspated ... oh, hell. Just read the interview with him and stop wasting my time.

-- (Mature) -- Green Vs. Yellow Promo
Hello, fellow readers. Go over to the Green Vs. Yellow site and download the trailer ... I encoded the old trailer so it's about 1/5 of its old size. Big difference, right? =P;; So, what're you waiting for?!? Get to it!! >>;

-- (Adults Only) -- Haha, I Fooled You, Didn't I?!??
You seriously believed I'd have an AO the first day to the system? Get real. xDD
--"Grim Reaper" A.K.A. "The One" xD
xD i love nerds.... maybe thats y i stalk you? :P
Hey, I'm just serving the public! xD Kansas reminds you of ... Aranya? *pft* Right.
And I'll deliver that hug to Larry tomorrow. -stretches and yawns- Can't wait to see you on again sometime, eh? ;-) Peace.
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