Christian: So, dude, when're we going to see SAW III?
Me: It was just an idea. We'd have to find somebody who could take us.
Christian: Ohhh ...
-momentary silence-
Me: Hey, Charlie! Wanna take about 15 big boys to the movies this weekend?
Charlie: Sure! -laughing; sarcastic-
xD Oh, yes. I kick ass. I know, know.
^_^ lessons with chris are going okay....its sort of a...sink or swim thing type teaching method... xD anyways thus far:
avalonNightlover: piphany pulled her car door closed and fumbled wiht her keys. "What the hell is he oding out this late?!" she fumed aloud to herself as she jemmed the key into the ignition and sped down the long driveway. "He /knows/ he isnt supposed to be out this close to dawn anyways...Jesus!" She slammed on her brakes before colliding into a [deer.]
spartanclone367: Hex yawned gently as he crouched apon a corner of a roof top.His snake like eyes scanned the area watching for any movement,he never got anything good to eat with her so guess he had to go hunt himself.His wings opened up from its neatly folded position apon his back as he curled up his claw like fingers turning into a fist.He saw a person leave there house starting to make there way down there stair steps an towards there job.Hex licked his lips as he prepared to pounce.
avalonNightlover: "stupid danm deer..." piphany cursed as she swerved around the frightened animal. It galloped off inot the black feild and she floored her little Rodeo away. "Hex is so going to get it when i catch him...," she scrambled aroudn her messy car for her cell phone and screamed in ager when a busy signal answered. I guess im going to your /house/ then Adair...."she hissed thru her jagged teeth.
spartanclone367: Lucifer jumped down a scream was made by the victim but was quickly silenced as he sank his fangs into the person neck snapping it an cutting off any sound.He looked around dragging his meal into the ally as crunching sounds an sick sounds of flesh being stripped from bone.
avalonNightlover: piphany edged her car next to the curb in front of Adair's apartment. the neighbors doberman was cowering on thier porch, whimpering. "odd." she thoguht, but proceeded to his door. The antique brass handle winked at her, but she ignored it, an dopted instead to pound directly ont eh door wiht her fist. "ADAIR GET OFF THE PHONE AND COME HERE! HEX IS GONE AGAIN! AND I..." she stopped suddenly and noticed drops of blood against the door...."what the...?" She pounded on the door again, then tried the knob. unlocked. He never leaves his house unlocked--especially not in this neighborhood, she thought, stowing a glance over her shoulder. she opened the door and went inside, "Adair?" his place looked normal..his books scattered open, across hte countertops, a half eaten grilled cheese sandwhich left ont eh coffee table, and his mountian of dirty dishes int eh sink. A strange noise came from his study and she followed it to his corded phone. it sat there simply, as if he had laid it down and meant to come back to it...
spartanclone367: Hex crunched down on another bone breaking it into as he slurped out the bone marrow licking his lips of some blood continued to feast apon the corpse.He continued from the top to bottom but he ripped of the part...Well yes you know that part.As he are away the pelvise.He cracked open the head an started to devour the brain,"don't remember how long I havn't fed..."He said as he continued to eat.
before i had to leave for the night...moms kinda ticked that im moving out...and im still wondering how im going to survive wihtout a computer xD
Aye, /that/ makes me sad to know Chris is being a teacher. xD
xD Sad part is, I bet Chris won't be smart enough to find this blog and find out everything we've been saying so far ... unless somebody gives it to him ... -eyes you both-
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