Yes. I got it. And have played it on the 360 for the past 15 minutes.
The graphics are actually superb. The gameplay's pretty kickass, too. Hide, jump out of a haystack, deliver BK Joe's(copyrighted), rinse & repeat. It's been pretty cool so far -- I've even unlocked 2 of the 12 achievements.
For a game that's really just a walking/talking ad, it actually has some depth.
And value.
And playability.
Hell, who am I kidding? So far, "Sneak King" is definitely worth it's 3.99+tax at your local BK with the purchase of a Value Meal.
Oh, yeah.
It's happenin'.
randomness....i found htis humoring xD
If you believe what you read, the sky is thick with aliens who are designing pyramids, disemboweling livestock, impregnating rural people and generally having a good time at our expense.
But we also read that thousands of people celebrate holidays by firing guns in the air. From a statistical standpoint, you'd expect many aliens would get caught in the hail of bullets and we'd find their tiny green bodies slumped all over the place. But I've never found one. And I've looked.
Logically then, guns must not exist.
Of course, some conspiracy theorists believe that the government swoops in and creates elaborate cover stories whenever an alien lands in somebody's shrubbery. This line of thinking depends on the notion that the government is highly efficient. (I don't know how the conspiracy theorists exchange ideas, but I'm guessing it's not through the mail.)
~DNRC newsletter 2
Hahaha. xDD
x3 he was my Ap english 4's mascot...i miss highschool *sigh* we had a group of 4 guys that each had a mask like the Bk king and had cpaes and stuff and theyd show up at all the basketball games and try to distract the other team x3 roack on AP kids..the cream of hte crop... xD hahahaha
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