Friday, November 10, 2006

Friends Are Like Germs ...

... sometimes they show up at the most inopportune times. Tonight being one of those times.

I'm sick, so I go upstairs and decide to lay down a little earlier. I didn't feel anything bad coming down on me yesterday or so far today until later in the afternoon -- I suspect some strain of food poisoning. Anyhow, I'm sleeping and what happens? A series of rapid knocks on my door followed by booming voices, taps on my front window, and the voices being escorted around the perimeter of my entire humble home.

I think 'hmh, whoever it was must've gone away'. So I start to go back to sleep ... 11 minutes later, who's back again? The knocking-people. Sighing and rolling my eyes I realize I'm gonna have to confront the problem one way or another. I take the band out of my hair, put on shoes and a jacket and open the door to find-- ...

... --Jaeden and James. Standing there. Apparently they were fairly shocked by my groggy appearance. After a long introduction, they reveal they had been tapping all the nooks and crannies of my house as well as peering through my windows for the past almost half-an-hour-now and what did they want?

XBOX controllers. Some f**king XBOX controllers.

Well, I gave them to them. Jaeden wished me a goodbye (haha, you suck, man) and the duo left after borrowing what they came to receive ... of course, Jade was sporting my slick top hat he borrowed *cough* stole *cough* from me. I'm just sorta sad I think I scared James by the way everything went down ... but, hey -- he gave me a hug and left with Jaeden.

Well, the hug was kinda scary, but what have I come to expect from them? Exactly that.

Don't worry, though, guys -- I may've seemed angry, but it's cool. Hell, how would life be exciting if things didn't get jumbled up every now and then? Y'all are awesome -- that reminds me, we need to get recording again, too, don't we James/Jade/David/Trey/who else?

Mm, too tired now. Must level my undead mage its last few points and then fade back into the sleep.

'Night, all.


1 comment:

Grim Reaper said...

No, please. Tell me what you responded with. Enlighten me. Please. xD

Anyhow, it was my duty to make your night complete. xD Alright, I'll check in with James on that on Monday.

Yeah, just tell me when and I'll tell you when and we can find a date through guessing -- like Bingo, per se. xD Sound good?