Saturday, August 20, 2005


Yeah, my retarded friend Jaeden hacked into my blog and posted. Unfortunately for him, it lasted for almost 15 minutes before it became deleted, obsolete, and changed. Poor baby. I sympathize for him ... no, really, I do. Being dropped on your head as a baby and being raised by wolves has bad effects on the mentally challenged part of the brain.

Oh, and, by the way Jade: F*ck you.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Who Wants Ice Cream? I DO! I DO!!

Hey, all. Oh, yeah, it's the Reaper, back with some news. Yeah, I'm sick. Yes, I went to the doctor. No, it's not pneumonia. Yes, it's bronchitis. If you'll excuse me, I've gotta go [-(censored)-] until I [-(censored)-]. I love you, too, America ... and Communist Russia ... I spit in your face! -twitch-

Anyways, friends and another friend of mine started role-playing tonight. Clips from the conversation (non-rp): [Key: Spartan = Christian, Glennlego = Reaper, Firelizard = Charlie, Blob = Larry, maKa vEli siNz = Jaeden, & avalonNightlover = Jessica]

On second thought, why post the actual thing when I can tell you the craziness right here? I love you world ... anyways, Charlie threw chickens at the Nazis, Christian got in a fight in the tavern, Larry left about a quarter-of-the-way-through, Jaeden logged off early, and Jess and I ... well ... -kicks a stone down the street, walking off the screen-

