Monday, May 09, 2005

What Do 'Gamma', 'Asterisk', 'Spartan 2', 'Grim', 'Malcolm', & 'Pepper' Have In Common ... ?

Ah. Yes. Oddly enough, these are some of the main characters from the new smash-hit parody-of-a-parody in-the-works called Green Vs. Yellow based on the parody Red Vs. Blue based on the smash-hit videogame for the PC, Mac, and XBOX entitled "Halo: Combat Evolved". Rooster Teeth, our people will be contacting your people within the hour.

Currently we're working on the trailer, but, hell: if that doesn't work, we'll continue on with our Robot Chicken mock/clone called "Cyborg Poultry" ( <--- Codename ) using a digital camera and stop-motion animation to get rich.

*shrug* How can we possibly fail??? ={

--"Grim Reaper"

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