Friday, May 19, 2006

Christian's Albino Babies ...

Alright, I have a large rant for everyone right now. Christian, Larry -- feel free to use my facts against your parents if it helps you get even one step closer to Marina before it's too late to register. Christian, you ask me why I don't switch to Marina? Simple. In comparison, Seaside sucks compared to Marina. Look at it this way -- you have the International Bachelorean Program coming up that will make the school globally (note -- not locally, like Seaside) recognized, and we will be representatives of our school around the entire world. The first day Livermore has told us of a 'huge celebration'. Dunno what that's about, but some people won't be there to see it, eh?

The IB-Program is wonderful in itself, seeing as how that looks wonderful for colleges. Now I have to address Christian: you said that you prefer Seaside over Marina because of the sports? If you can't wait a damn year to go to an actual educationally focused school and get the surveys in to join back onto a sports team that you'll get to help create, then I dunno what the point would be. And, Larry, I'm assuming your problem is over the advanced Math that you're taking. At Marina, you could probably take Pre-Calculus at MPC over the summer and Calculus during the school year back at MPC all over again during the school year, scrapping your Math period for PE. You'll get to keep music, have all your regular classes, and still be taking an activity outside of school (what you'd have to do for PE if you aren't taking it zero-period or seventh-period).

And then, Christian, you claim you're being forced to go to Seaside, but you'd go to Marina if you could. Doesn't seem like it when you run around the school yelling, 'SEA-SIDE!"


So come on, guys. Get your act together. This is a new school we have all been waiting for over the past 7 years. And now that's here you're just gonna let it slip through? New technology, wonderful education-- ... we'd be pioneers, yet you refuse to do some convincing?

To shame.

Well ... I'm all outta steam. I'll post some actual relevant stuff later that applies to people who actually don't know me.



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