Saturday, June 24, 2006

... For the Matinee Price!!

Haha! I'm leaving for Vegas this Monday, the 27th, at 5 AM, staying there the entire week. Expecting to see the Star Trek - Experience, the different casinos and shops up and down the strip, maybe even drive over to the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon, maybe bump into Leonard Nimoy, Patrick Stewart, William Shatner, or (hopefully) maybe even Criss Angel.


Yeah, well, the title makes no sense. But, let me assure you with some quotes and jokes that struck my fancy --

"White man makes guns, no problem. Black rapper evens says guns, -- congressional hearing."

"We are all lucky to be in America ... even us black people. Now, the black people have a different view in the mirror ... America is like the uncle that paid for your college tuition ... but molested you."

Those were quoted from Chris Rock's performance a few nights ago on HBO-Comedy.

"So, my girlfriend said to me 'Jimmy, we've reached a crossroads in this relationship. Down one path are some troubleships that eventually lead to ultimate happiness. The other road is a dead end.' Naturally, I responded with 'Then it's not a crossroads ... it's a T-junction.'

-chorus of laughter-

Well, I'm glad you found it funny. She went f***ing mental."

"-points at a man in the audience- I read in a magazine that men go bald because they have too many male hormones in their system. My suggestion to you is to stop swallowing."

"My girlfriend used to angry because of the old nagging fact that I used to leave the toilet seat up. So I resolved it -- ... but there's no pleasing her. Now she's angry that the toilet seat is covered with piss."

Those were quoted from Jimmy Carr's performance just last night on HBO-Comedy, as well.

"See, the government has already profiled us black people ... they even let us on planes early, now, which is nice. See, they already know what we'll do -- we'll rob you, we'll shoot you, we'll jack you, and we'll cut you -- but we will not blow you up. You have to be on time to f*** with bombs."

That was quoted from Bill Belamy's performance just last night, as well, on HBO-Comedy.

Now, for some quotes in World of Warcraft that I happened to jot down or take a screenshot of in a moment's notice. =P (Me, Jade, Me, Jade, Me, Jade.)

"I got in a fight with a guy in BG. ><>>;"
"Guess not."
"All of my clothing is dying."
"I imagine that to be something Chris would say."
"But more like -- "

A discussion on trying to make it through the cave that links Felwood to Winterspring at too low of a level to attempt it properly. (Jade, Me, Jade, Me, Jade, Me, Jade.)

" .. Stealth?"
"xD I thought you actually meant mountain."
"Stealth+Vanish+ Blind+Evasion+Sprint"
"My combo -- Strip Naked+Defensive Stance+Blood Rage+Retaliation+Die+Die+Die."

And Jade and I miscellaneously bashing Christian. =P (Me, Jade, Me, Jade, Jade, Me, Jade.)

"I can still sell it for 15 silver to a vendor!! xD"
"I'd be /rich/, man!"
"And you could buy it back for 1g 69 silver."
"xD Now /that/ sounds like something Christian would do and say, 'That was an /awesome/ deal!'"

Jaeden getting pissed off that I'm not co-operating with him in the Wetlands (and offering pretty whack advice). =P (Me, Jade, Jade, Me, Me, Jade, Jade.)

"xD I wish /I/ had a mount."
"I miss mine. ><;"
"And I never even named it."
"xDD" "Call it Sparky."
" .."
"I hate you."

At a much lower level, Jade and I heading through Rageclaw's Den to finish a quest of mine ... an interesting conversation arises. (Me, Jade, Me, Jade, Me, Jade, Me, Jade.)

"Why do you /always/ get to loot Rageclaw?!? xD"
"I'm black. xD"
"But I am, too! >>;"
"On the inside, maybe."
"And the outside, I just dyed it."
"It's because this character has boobies. o_O;;"
"I can't argue with that."

Another rendition of "Give Me A Name to Name My Gnome!". (Me, Jade, Me, Jade, Me, Jade, Me.)

"Smallspark!! xD"
" ... "
" ... "
"I think I'll kill you tonight."

And you can go here to see a small sample of what role-playing in the Caverns of Time was like. But, no, Blizzard -- you won't be able to figure out who we are so, no, you won't be able to bust us. I censored the names.

Take that!! xD

And, the funniest quote from Gaia in Kaiyan Akurian's profile --

Alex: you know samantha is sexy >_> ... Admit it
Jade: Good sir. Dare I ask, what the f*** are you smoking?

xD Well, I'm tired, finished, and ... well, tired. =P Peace out, peoples.


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