Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Time Is So Freakin' Valuable ...

I'm actually famished and tired for once. The only thing that's keeping me awake, ala most nights, is the fact that I'm too jacked up on caffiene. And the fact that I'm too cheap to run out and buy SWAT 4, Doom 3, and Call of Duty: United Offensive, I'm downloading the demos right now. Care to know how far I am along? Don't care? Well, I'll tell you anyways.

Call of Duty: United Offensive - coduo_sp_demo.exe - 39% / 15 min. remaining

SWAT 4 - swat4_spdemo_en.exe - 33% / 16 min. remaining

Doom 3 - - 8% / 1 hour, 22 min. remaining

Now that I shared, I'm off to play my other demos and continue with my non-existant life. Oh, and, by the way, my two mules that were carrying all of my neat stuff on Diablo 2: LOD expired and I never bought the graphics update expansion for EQ [Dragons of Norrath]. Now somebody tell me what DOESN'T suck about that???

-- "Grim Reaper"

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