Sunday, March 27, 2005

WTF, Mate?!? Pt. 2

WTF? I haven't updated for 3 days? That's mainly my fault, alone, but look at you guys! You can't last without me for 3 days? What is wrong with you guys? Ah, it's still not really your fault ... and rather mine ... but on the bright side, over those 3 days, I stayed out at Tweak't 'til 7:30 on one day, didn't go the next, and then from 3:00 - midnight I stayed at Tweak't playing Call of Duty, Warcraft III: Frozen Throne, and Unreal Tournament 2004 was pretty freakin' exciting. I was about play Diablo 2, but when I logged obn my two mules carrying great-uber items expired ... and then when I went home and tryed to log on it didn't really work because there's an error message stating it's missing the file 'ijl32.dll' or some bull**** like that.

Oh, no, I'm not worked up. But, shortly after arriving home last night, I brought back Call of Duty from EB Games, and, since they were out of the United Offensive expansion, I ran next door to Circuit City and bought the COD:UO expansion. Both same price. Lil' over $60. I'M NOT MADE OF MONEY, PEOPLE! Sorry this is real short, but I'm actually hella depressed over the fact that I'm being forced back into karate about an hour's drive there and then school starts again tomorrow. If anybody had any clues on how I can get out of it without screwing my life up, post in the comments.

As for me? I'm gonna continue playing CoD:UO online/multiplayer [look for Ca1amity or Slayer] and really start thinking about my school depression.

-- "Grim Reaper"

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