Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Dances With Hobos

I'm only gonna post one thing that happened today, 'cause I'm tired and I want to go to bed. So, here it goes. 'Takes place outside my locker, during lunch. Enjoy.

*at my locker*
Andre: You wanna hear a joke?
*near Luke, Larry, and Kevin*
Me: *sighs* What is it?
Andre: Alright. Why are *African-Americans* afraid of motorcycles?
Me: Why?
*Christian walks up behind Luke*
Andre: Because all they here is, "Run, n***a-n***a, run!"
*silence, as we see Christian*
Christian: What did you just say?
*insane laughter*

Haha. Hope you enjoyed. Peace out. =P;;

--"Grim Reaper"

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