Friday, January 20, 2006

Quote Special - Brought to You By EB Games(c)

Well, well, well. Tomorrow I'm going to a friend's birthday party, so I stopped be EB to get him a gift card. I did. I walked out with a $25 gift card and Killzone for the PS2. The lady behind the counter was a great person. And I just love what she said as she was attempting to sell me the game:

"Just to warn you, this game is rated M for mature. It contains ... *flips over case* ... blood, strong language, and violence ... everything that makes a game great. *smiles*"

That was wonderful. I absolutely love her for saying that. And it couldn't be any truer, not, could it? =P;;

I'm tired. Peace out. xD

--"Grim Reaper"


Grim Reaper said...

$5 difference. Whoop-de-f*cking-do. =P;

What are they thinking of, nowadays?!? 0.0;;


P.S. -- "lvlpdsl"

Grim Reaper said...

